What is Leadership? 5 Modes and a Definition

What is Leadership? 5 Modes and a Definition

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As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become increasingly appreciative of the value of operational definitions. If you can’t define something then you can’t act on it intentionally. As such, definitions are foundational to living and leading On Purpose.

Defining Leadership

“Leadership is Influence…” A quote from John Maxwell, might be the most widely accepted definition of leadership.

Does this give us the comprehensive picture we need as individuals looking to take action that will grow our capabilities within the discipline?

Does the mere presence or absence of influence indicate whether or not we’re exhibiting leadership qualities? Does indirect, unintended influence get accounted for in this definition?

The answer is NO.

To help close this gap we’ve operationally defined leadership as

“The overflow of your lifestyle.” - STC

With this we have a much more comprehensive picture of the variables at play. Our perspective of leadership becomes significantly broader empowering us with a greater sense of agency - which is an important asset, especially for emerging leaders.

5 Modes of Leadership

We define modes as, “a way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done.”

Every single team member is walking in your doors this morning in one of five leadership modes.

These modes have little to do with their personality style, their potential, their work ethic, and very little to do with their innate talent, but they have everything to do with the success of your team, both in numerical results and in the cohesion of your team’s relationships.

If a leader can better understand these 5 modes of leadership it will transform their approach to leadership development increasing their likelihood of having a positive influence on those they interact with.

Let’s take a closer look at the 5 Modes of Leadership.

The Stealer

This is an individual that steals the collective experience and makes everything about themselves. They are so limited by their own self view that they often make decisions or demonstrate behaviors that only seek to serve themselves in whatever way possible.

The Coaster

This individual is the silent killer to organizational potential. They operate from a place of careless complacency manifesting as indifference and a lack of intention.

The Riser

This individual is a passionate, enthusiastic person who recognizes the need to activate their full potential in the service of others.

The Server

This individual serves the needs of the team through their own unique gifting and personality to the extent that they end up making decisions and demonstrating behaviors that often conflict with their own self interests.

The Broker

A flourishing individual who is completely satisfied (internal wellness) because they can appreciate the value in everything they do. This is embodied in a lifestyle that multiples that value to people they encounter.

Mode Mirroring

Now chances are as you read through the 5 modes of leadership, individuals you lead come to mind.

Often for leaders the thorn in the flesh teammate that drives you crazy comes to mind as you read through the stealers and coasters.

The underclassmen you love came to mind for the risers, and your truly trusted leaders came to mind for servers, maybe you think of a wise mentor or elite leader you observed in the past for the broker.

The truth is our understanding of the 5 Modes of Leadership is MOST valuable as a tool that we use to look inward. A tool to help us grow in our empathy.

What you spot is what you got! (Matthew 7:4-5)

Meaning, we most often criticize people for displaying features we don’t like in ourselves.

The power in this awareness is that it reveals a path for us to transform moments where the tendency would be to criticize to ones where we empathize.

Next week we’ll dive deeper into this process!

For the rest of this week we encourage you to take inventory (without judgment) of the modes you’re expressing and experiencing on a daily basis.

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Returning To Your Baseline: Studying the Leadership of Mike McDaniel

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